Jul 5, 2021

3 Cleaning Hacks to Get Your Honda Looking Like New

There’s nothing like getting into a brand-new car with everything clean and spotless, but unfortunately, it doesn’t last forever. Once you start driving, the spotless carpet and grime-free cupholders get used and show it. The good news is that you can do some things to make your Honda look almost like new.


  1. Deep Clean the Carpet

Carpet cleaners are not just for the house. Use one of these deep cleaning machines to get your Honda’s carpet as clean as it was when you first drove it home from the dealership. You can rent one for the day, or if you purchase one, it will pay for itself in just a few uses.

  1. Use a Squeegee

When you have pets, they leave their fur behind on the seats and in the carpet. To get the pet hair out of the seats and get them looking like new, use a squeegee. Start with a spray bottle with clean water and mist the seat where the dog sits. Run the squeegee over the damp seat, and it will pull all the fur along with it.

  1. Use Dryer Sheets to Remove Bugs

There’s no getting around hitting bugs when you drive, and they tend to leave a mess behind. You can get rid of stuck bugs by using dryer sheets. Just rub over the paint, and the bugs will easily come off. You can then wash the exterior as normal and apply a coat of wax.

Follow these hacks to get your Honda looking just like new.